Divorce Tips: Avoiding Mistakes And Oversights During Separation

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Hiring A Divorce Attorney When You Are Sad and Angry

Dealing with a divorce can be a sad and frustrating process, especially if you are grieving the end of your relationship. Hi, my name is Sandra, and when I got divorced seven years ago, I signed away many things that I would not have agreed to if I had been thinking clearly. That is why it is essential to hire a great divorce attorney. If you are feeling particularly sad or angry, you need one even more. I don't want to see others fall into the same trap I did, so I decided to start a blog to help. I hope these posts help and inspire you. Good luck with your changing family structure.

Divorce Tips: Avoiding Mistakes And Oversights During Separation

24 January 2023
 Categories: , Blog

The end of a marriage is stressful and overwhelming. As a result, divorce and separation can be complicated, and it is not uncommon to make poor decisions in the heat of emotional distress. Therefore, if you have decided to file for a divorce, you should find a reliable family lawyer. Look for a firm specialising in family law and assess their capability, resources, track record and reputation. Consult your selected lawyer through every step to ensure each decision is in your favour. Here are additional tips to help you avoid pitfalls after separating from your spouse.

Understand The Process

You should review information on divorce and separation in the country before taking action. Often, people are misled by pop culture and fail to make the appropriate choices for a smooth process. The most critical issue to remember is that divorces are not instantaneous. You will need to go through a period of separation before filing for a legal divorce for a minimum of twelve months. This precaution proves that a marriage has no hope for reconciliation.

The rules might be different for short marriages. For instance, the couple may be required to attend court-approved mediation to attempt reconciliation before the separation period. If you decide to proceed with the divorce, you must choose between a sole or joint application. The latter is straightforward because no one will dispute the dissolution. If you are filing as a sole applicant, you must serve the divorce papers and give time for your ex-spouse to respond.

Know The Timelines

The divorce process, like other legal procedures, has a strict timeline. Therefore, you should keep track of the deadlines to avoid prolonging the end of the marriage. For instance, if you are filing alone, you must make sure the other party receives the served divorce papers on time. The serving period can vary, depending on the location of your spouse. For example, an overseas individual will need more time to prepare before the court hearing than a local. 

Prepare Agreements

Finally, you should think about preparing agreements for your future life during the separation period. People often assume that parenting and property settlement must be handled after the divorce is final. However, you can make the process easier by agreeing on these issues during the separation. Where possible, come into an amicable agreement with the other party on parenting and property division. If you do, consult a family lawyer on making legally binding orders. Do not sign contracts without legal guidance to avoid complications in case of hidden clauses.